In 60 Seconds...

Imagine if one day in the future all technology came to a standstill and stopped working. Even now if we lose our internet connection for a little while we tend to think our life is “over”. So if the future can hold the prospect of technology crashing, can the generation bought up on technology survive? In terms of education, I find that without some form of technology we are indeed helpless.

24 Hours: Unplugged, an article based on students going without engaging in any forms of medium a day whether it be an iPod, mobiles, television, computers thus abandoning texting and social media. The study in fact described how unwilling students were to function without their technological links to the rest of the world.  Many claimed they were addicted and dependant on their technology. The numerous amounts of gadgets out there today, make it hard to people to shed their media skin.

Another article in the New York Times, states that technology is getting in the way of students attention spans and the ability to meet challenging tasks. One of the teachers mentions the “Wikipedia problem”, she indicates that students now have grown accustomed to searching for answers via there mobile devices. Being a student myself, I have to admit to having done this a few times, even when the word sounds familiar I tend to Google it and then kick myself for not thinking for a little bit longer.

Let’s take a look at how dependant we are on technology, in 60 seconds how much in terms of gadgets and technology do we purchase. Google revenues increase by at least $75,000 every 60 seconds, 11 million conversations are started via instant messengers and 710 computers purchased.

The extent to which we purchase is matched by the amount we use. In 60 seconds the human population have created some amazing figures for how engaged we are with our technology. 98,000 plus tweets are posted every 60 seconds, as well as 695,000 and more Facebook status updates and 694,445 search queries. The figure that surprised me the most is the that in 60 seconds we send around 168 million emails, now this is due to the many different ways to message. I guess the concept of emailing still applies, regardless of how new technology, we still use one of the first ways to communicate via computers and internet. I only use emails for professional means, applying for jobs, emailing work and contacting teachers.

I must say technology has its perk in terms of messaging and keeping in contact, sending a letter seems to be out dated. However I received a hand written letter a few months back, and think it was thoughtful and had more of a personal touch.

The amount we use technology is immense, considering the thought of not using it makes me nervous. I have a ritual in the morning to wake up and check my social media networks, Twitter, Facebook and others. Throughout the day I update and constantly keep updated via these social networks, I think I have the ability to function without these to a certain extent. So my challenge is to find out who can go without technology and for how long. Other then the necessary usage, such as calling, how long can we avoid the temptation? I will attempt to go a few days, well I will try. How about you try not to use technology for the next 30 minutes and then comment how you found it, does this technological determined society have us surviving on gadgets.

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